Kk so I have an idea this game is a lot of fun however I have an idea to make a really good game. I think that u should make a game about a girl that goes to high school. It should be multiple choice like it is now however there should be more choices like more guys to choose from and lets say he asks u out then u should be able to say yes or no also u should get the option between flirt kiss make out or * go all the way * also I think there should be more choice between what u talk about. I think that u should do two semesters and u should have to do tests and study and have options for any sports teams. I think that the stories should also be longer. I think that if u were to make a game like this then it would be alot more popular. Please I have been waiting an hopig for a game like this all girls want a game like this so please make one! :) thanks!
Yaksss about Bad Girl S01E01 Dirty Dance Free, v1.3